Author: Rachel Biar, Assistant State Treasurer

Every year as Valentine’s Day approaches, I reflect on the relationships in my life that I cherish. Among them are my relationships with the families and individuals I assist at Enable. I love interacting with our account owners and their families, learning their stories and empowering them to feel more secure in their financial futures. I feel blessed to oversee the Enable Savings Plan because it has given me the ultimate reward of an enriching public service career — the ability to make a difference and change lives. Though sharing flowers and chocolates may be the norm on Valentine’s Day, I’ve decided to take an alternative route by sharing additional heartwarming testimonials from our staff members on why they love working for Enable.

"I love being part of the Enable team because I know our Enable Savings Plan serves a worthy purpose and will lead to exciting results for our account owners and their families."
— Nebraska State Treasurer, Don Stenberg
"I love the people I have met, the passion, the dedication to each other. I love that I have grown and learned and that I am a better person for having been involved with Enable."
— Deborah Goodkin, Managing Director, Savings Plans, First National Bank
"Working for Enable Savings has provided me the opportunity to continue working alongside people with disabilities, which is a personal and professional passion. As a sibling to a young man with Down syndrome and autism, my work is constantly inspired by my brother’s life experience."
— Amelis Long, Enable Outreach Specialist, Savings Plans, First National Bank
"What I enjoy the most about my role is hearing from our account owners. I am moved by the obstacles they have faced and overcome. We share in their hope as they accomplish goals and meet milestones."
— Joanna Swanson, Head of Direct Sales, Savings Plans, First National Bank
"I appreciate the opportunity to hear from our customers about the everyday successes and long term goals our Enable Savings plan help them achieve. Knowing that the work we are doing can touch and affect so many people is a highlight of my job."
— Terry Severson, Director Savings Plans Marketing, First National Bank

From the entire team at Enable, Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for the love and support you have given us, we hope you feel ours in return.