Rachel Biar, Assistant State Treasurer, Director of Enable

Spring has officially sprung! Not only is it my favorite season, but it also serves as the perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning and organizing – especially when it comes to one’s finances. To help boost your savings, check out Enable’s top tips:

Evaluate your Goals

Review your financial resolutions you made at the beginning of the year. Are you on track to achieve your goals? If so, keep up the great work! For those who are finding it difficult to achieve their goals, do not be deterred. Reflect on the obstacles you may be facing and strategize solutions and measures to overcome them to get yourself back on track.

Go Generic

For everyday items such as groceries to cleaning and beauty supplies, compare popular branded items’ prices to the generic brand. You may find that the difference in prices vary, so make sure to select the less expensive option for products that suit your needs.

DIY Gifts & Items

When possible, try and make gifts and items yourself from objects you may already have on hand. Not only will this help you save money, but it may also help you discover a fun new hobby. In need of some inspiration of items that you can make yourself? Check out Pinterest and research crafting blogs for ideas.

I encourage you to incorporate these tips into your overall financial strategy to help bolster your savings. If you have a question about any of these tips or about your Enable account, please reach out to us via email at clientservices@enablesavings.com or at 1-844-ENABLE4.