Author: Nebraska State Treasurer John Murante

On June 30, 2016 my predecessor Treasurer Don Stenberg, Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley, Nebraska Senator Kate Bolz, representatives from the First National Bank of Omaha and around 450 members of the disability community gathered at Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha to celebrate the official launch of the Enable Savings Plan. An innovative new program, Enable was one of the first tax-advantaged savings plans for individuals with disabilities offered in the country.

Since our launch in 2016, our team has worked hard to make Enable a robust partner for individuals with disabilities nationwide. With a wide selection of investment options to meet Account Owners’ needs and a diverse and expansive list of qualified expenses, Enable has become a trusted financial partner for thousands of individuals with disabilities and their families.

This year has been especially trying to all Americans, but especially to the disabled community. To help continuously broaden our impact, community outreach is part of our core mission at the Enable Savings Plan. Through our blog and Facebook page we help ensure that Account Owners and their loved ones are informed and empowered to reach their goals. In addition, new account bonus programs and partnerships with local and national disability organizations empower us to make saving with Enable as accessible and widely available as possible.

I am very proud of the Enable Savings Plan, our team, and our meaningful impact in the communities we serve. Happy four-year anniversary to Enable, and here’s to many more years of success.