Author: Joanna Swanson, Head of Direct Sales, First National Bank of Omaha

This week, we commemorate an important milestone in our nation’s history: the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Signed into law on July 26th, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was the first comprehensive piece of civil rights legislation to guarantee equal opportunities to individuals with disabilities, prohibiting discrimination in all areas of public life, including work, school, and transportation.

That being said, this momentous day is more than just a reminder of legal protections. Rather, it serves as a celebration of the disability community’s hard-won rights; the culmination of a long and challenging, yet rewarding fight for equality and inclusion. Thanks to the ADA, we are equipped with the power to combat the injustices faced by individuals with disabilities every single day as they aim to pursue higher education, obtain jobs, and participate meaningfully in society.

That, Enable family, is something worth recognizing.

Over the past 27 years since its passage, the ADA has aided the disability community in making great strides toward equality by exposing discriminative practices, educating the public about the disability community, as well as generating awareness and dialogue surrounding civil rights issues. I am inspired by these advancements and find it heartwarming to see more inclusion occurring on all levels—at work, school, summer camps, in the media, and in all areas of the public domain.

Despite significant progress, there is still work to be done. Until every single person with a disability can grow up with the same aspirations and opportunities as the next person, the fight is not yet over. Here at Enable, we believe in encouraging individuals to achieve their goals, securing their financial future and fostering their ability to succeed in life. This week, we reflect on how far we’ve come thanks to the ADA, but we also prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead as we continue striving for full equality.