Author: Terry Severson, Director of Marketing, First National Bank

Making a New Year’s resolution is easy. Keeping a New Year’s resolution can be hard. While we at Enable are confident that you can do whatever it is you set your mind to in the coming year, know that you’re not alone if you encounter some obstacles while trying to achieve your savings goals in 2019.

To help carry your enthusiasm through the New Year and beyond, we gathered some of our favorite tips to help motivate you to stick to your financial savings resolutions.

Have a Long-Term Goal

While resolving to save more is a great way to start the New Year, having a specific and achievable goal is the best way to motivate you throughout the next 12 months. To start, create a long-term goal that you can work towards – such as setting aside a portion of your annual paycheck for savings – and then record your objective on a calendar, in a journal by your bedside or even put it on your refrigerator. Displaying your savings objective at frequently visited parts of your home will provide you with a constant reminder of what you’re working towards, and will help motivate you to stick with your savings strategy.

Track Your Progress and Celebrate Milestones

Consider establishing milestones along your savings journey that will help you mark your progress. Celebrating what you’ve accomplished can be a great motivator to keep you going and can also offer insight on how to update your savings method if you’re not on track to reach your goal.

Make reminders in your planner, on your phone or create a standing date with yourself to stay on top of your progress and on track to achieve your milestones. Quick and frequent account check ups are important and useful, and with Enable’s online portal, it only takes a few minutes to stay informed about the status of your savings.

Ask for Support

Accountability is one of the most effective tools for sticking to your goals. Team up with a friend or family member who can help you prioritize your savings strategy and cheer you on at every stage of the journey. In addition, ask family and friends to lend a helping hand when possible by encouraging them to give gifts in the form of account contributions. Whether it’s for a birthday, holiday, graduation or simply a “thinking of you” present, the gift of financial security is priceless.

We hope 2019 will be your best and most savings-savvy year yet! As always, the Enable team is here to cheer you on as you work towards your resolution. For an extra boost of support, engage with us (@EnableSavingsPlan) on Facebook by sharing your favorite savings tips.